Woman Arising

Are you ready to awaken the Divine Feminine Energy that is alive in each of us?

To be the powerful and compassionate woman you were born to be?

Have you been holding back your authentic and important voice and not expressing your true self?

Now is the time to listen to that call to reconnect with the Divine Feminine Source that you are.

It is time to rise!

Welcome to Woman Arising where we strive to create a community of radiant, successful, and aware women who share profound insights, guidance, and sisterhood. 

For too long we have been banished, slandered, defined by others’ ideas of who we were supposed to be. Women of our time live and work in roles cloaked by the masculine world. Yet within each and every one of us is the archetype of the Divine Feminine arising.

Now is the time to honor our internal Feminine energy and be reminded that we are not separated from the Divine. To find that peaceful planet where the Divine Masculine and Feminine walk side by side. Where we no longer strive so hard to get “somewhere”, but instead let intuition guide us to build a world of compassion and understanding.

We invite you to re-awaken this passionate energy of the Divine Feminine that lives within all of us. To understand how to walk connected to mother earth and be supported by her Divine Wisdom every step of the way.

Through our workshops, programs, live events, and podcast we help women to:

  • Discover their innate leadership abilities.
  • Find comfort, confidence, and strength in their authentic self.
  • Continue to awaken to their passion, power, and presence.
  • Connect to the wisdom that lies within them.
  • Envision an empowered life.
  • Find their authentic voice and express themself honestly.
  • Enhance their well-being.
  • Appreciate their life unfolding perfectly and celebrate the woman you are: free, authentic, compassionate, creative, expressive, powerful, and intuitive.

Check out our podcast!

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